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    Location: Melbourne, Australia
    Year: 2021-2022

    Fowlerex, in collaboration with Vortex Engineering and Taylors Manufacturing, successfully completed a cutting-edge project involving a skid-mounted activated carbon filter system. The system was designed and installed to meet the unique needs of a new facility dedicated to researching wiring coatings for the automotive industry. One of the challenges of the project was treating the gas stream of the ventilation system of the Comma coater to achieve 95% VOC removal while also optimizing operational costs by decreasing the temperature to the fan operational range and increasing the temperature after treatment. 

    To meet these requirements, Fowlerex designed a closed loop with two heat exchangers - an air-to-air and an air-to-water heat exchanger. The system was expertly installed by Fowlerex, while the necessary components were fabricated and assembled by Taylors Manufacturing. The system was successfully commissioned, meeting all the client's specifications within the designated timeframe and budget.