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    Location: Australia
    Schedule: Nov 2023 - Apr 2024

    Job # FTPL11231

    Fowlerex has completed the replacement of an existing baghouse used in a soil treatment process in Australia. The new system has a slightly larger filter capacity to improve process efficiency. It was installed on the existing base frame, connecting directly to the existing ductwork and fan, which were assessed as suitable for the new duty.

    To address issues of condensation and prolong the service life of the equipment, the new baghouse features a walk-in clean air plenum, an insulated body, and hopper heaters.

    The main challenges of the project involved the reuse of existing foundations/support steel and meeting the client's specifications for a zinc-free internal coating on the baghouse and ducting.  Whilst these issues required some detailed research and application of agile project management techniques, both were resolved to meet the project needs resulting in a satisfied client.

    Following the successful installation, we received a request to add a lime dosing system, indicating further collaboration and trust in our capabilities.

    This project highlights Fowlerex’s commitment to delivering tailored and environmentally compliant solutions in industrial settings, continuously adapting to meet specific client needs and regulatory standards.